ISBN 978-980-449-014-9

Methodological-Operational Manual for Curricular Transformation in Higher Education Institutions

Autor:Reyes Goitía, Francis Adriana
Montes Rotela, Marivel
Rodríguez Núñez, Yamira
Jiménez González, Dagoberto Junior
Editorial:Universidad Nacional Experimental Sur del Lago
Materia:Educación superior
Clasificación:Enseñanza de una materia específica
Público objetivo:Profesional / académico
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:0
Formato:Pdf (.pdf)
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Because of the constant changes in globalized societies, the different higher education institutions must continuously revise their curricular contents to verify whether the attitudes, knowledge, and skills that students aspire to develop are according to the needs and challenges of the modern world.
To meet social demands, organizations must establish procedures aimed at continuous change and improvement as a strategy to ensure their survival. The challenge is much more significant at the university level since they are responsible for training qualified professionals to perform in this changing environment. Thus, the Caribbean universities in the Caribbean region of Colombia also face the challenge of making their presence felt in regional, national, and international scenarios to integrate themselves into processes that respond to the transformations of the global fabric, making it possible to increase productivity and competitiveness in a globalized society and generate spaces for the production and transmission of knowledge that lead to the establishment of a more inclusive, integrated, participatory, equitable and democratic society.
Aware of the great challenge, the Universidad del Atlántico endorsed the project entitled: "Working Guidelines for Curricular Modernization and Transformation Processes in Higher Education Institutions by the provisions of Decrees 1330 of 2019 of the MEN, 1075 of 2015 of the MEN and Agreement 02 of 2020 of the CESU", to elaborate a route that, among other elements, points out some theoretical approaches to describe the role of the actors involved in this process, as well as the underlying curricular management, taking into consideration epistemological, philosophical, pedagogical and ethical aspects, to proceed to define the guidelines that support the process of curricular transformation of HEIs.
Thus, a manual has been prepared that defines the technical-administrative and operational processes that guide the step-by-step process for the establishment of a curriculum based on competencies and learning outcomes from the Systemic Management of Competency-Based Education Model of Tobón (2013) so that those responsible for carrying out such a laudable task can find clear indications about which steps to follow in the design or redesign of their academic programs.


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